The Queen's Park Faith Tour February 2017
On Tuesday 7th February we went on the Queen’s Park Faith Tour in Bedford. Our tour started with a visit to the Guru Nanak Gurdwara. We learned about the symbols of Sikhism and the 5 Ks. We visited the prayer hall where we witnessed a man reading from the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib. The prayer room was very beautiful and peaceful.
Next we visited the Jamia Masjid Gulshane Baghdad Mosque. We found out about how and when Muslims pray. The Imam gave us a tour of the mosque.
We finished our faith tour with a visit to All Saints Parish Church. We compared the church to St Edmunds in Maids Moreton. Although All Saints Church was newer and larger, we noticed many similar features.
We noticed many similarities and differences between the three places of worship and the beliefs and practices of each religion. We were very impressed to see how members of different faith communities live in harmony in a rich and diverse neighbourhood.