How to Apply for a place at Maids Moreton C.E. School
Maids Moreton is a Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School for children of 4 to 11 years of age. We are a Church of England Voluntary Aided School but this does not affect our admissions policy. Families of all faiths and none are equally welcome and we have no clause with regard to practising church-goers in our admissions criteria.
Our school's published admission number for each year group is 15.
Admission during the school year depends on whether there are places available. All year groups at the school have 15 places. The school has voluntary co-ordination arrangements with Bucks County Council therefore all applications for in year places must be made to Buckinghamshire Council.
Our Admissions Policies can be viewed by clicking on the links below.
To apply for a place at Maids Moreton CE School you need to contact the Local Authority in which you live. If you live in Buckinghamshire you can apply online by going to where you will find step - by - step guidance.
Making an In Year Application: If you wish to apply for a place after the normal transfer time then you need to make an in year application, using the Buckinghamshire Council online application form.
Where there is oversubscription, the school’s admissions policy is applied, and applicants are placed on the waiting list held by the Buckinghamshire Council School Admissions team. In the event of an unsuccessful application, parents may choose to appeal through the Buckinghamshire Council Appeals Procedure.
Dates for Admission
Children are admitted to the school in September at the start of the academic year in which they celebrate their 5th birthday. Children must attend full time in the term after which they become 5. The school operates a very flexible policy and will decide whether full time or part time is most appropriate for younger pupils.
Prior to admission the children are invited to a taster session to become familiar with the teachers, the setting and other children who will be starting school at the same time. The school has very close links with the local on-site Pre-School as well as a number of other local providers. The Reception class teachers visit each new child in their pre-school or nursery settings prior to school admission. Parents are also invited to a starting school information evening. These events are intended to make the transfer from home to school as smooth and comfortable as possible.
How to find out about our school and arrangements for visits
Parents who wish to come in and view the school in action are welcomed by pre-arranged appointment. Please contact Mrs Scott/Mrs Cummins, our school business managers, to arrange a visit. We have also made a presentation available for prospective parents which can be viewed by clicking on the link below. The presentation contains a wealth of information about our school.